Australian Racketeering Industry Assosication strikes again.

The ARIA/RIAA are getting one step closer to their greatest wish – a world without music. The latest method is by increasing the amount pubs and clubs have to pay for music. But it’s ok, it’s not much. They only want it to go from 7c per song per person ($1.05/hour/person) to $1.05 per song per person ($15.75/hour/person) over 4 years, a mere 1400% increase. They initially sought $2.32 per song per person ($34.80/hour/person).

Honestly, if anybody here still listens to any bands who are represented by an ARIA/RIAA affiliated company, you’re a fucking moron. That’s all there is to it.

Source: SMH.

MPAA at it again.

The extortionist monopoly known as the MPAA are at it again. It appears that their latest tool to fight intellectual property theft and copyright violations … violates copyright. It is based on the Xubuntu OS which is licensed under the GPL. This means any software distributed using this software must have its code also made freely available under the GPL, which the MPAA have refused to do.


Source: Boingboing.