On Wikileaks CIA leak.

It may just be my own Twitter echo chamber (ie, a case of who I follow more than anything else), but my Twitter feed this morning has been going nuts about the latest WikiLeaks leaks about CIA hacking data. I wanted to say something about it without doing stupidly long tweet-stories, so I thought I’d give Medium a go.

It’s all a much of nothing.

The three main points of focus in most articles. a) CIA attacked SmartTV’s for recording audio. b) Encrypted communications apps are all open because the CIA have methods to get OperatingSystem level access to SmartPhones. c) They’re “holding exploits open”. Continue reading

Quit Facebook Day.

Today, the 31st of May 2010 is International Quit Facebook Day.  It all started after some changes to the Facebook privacy settings were made earlier this year, with peoples settings changed and the default being information shared openly.  They also have been working hard on a single-signon system which external websites can use, and link information about you and your friends.

Personally, I find this whole quit facebook day things to be hilarious.  To me it simply shows peoples ignorance. Continue reading