I actually accomplished something this year. That’s new.

LearSportTR3240This blog post is a follow-up to my blog post from March, “Back on yer bike”.

I purchased my current bike in 2006.  At the time I was living in Chatswood and intended to get fit enough to ride to work in North Sydney.  That went well for a few months, unfortunately a month after buying the bike my company purchased another company, and decided to merge & move to the city.  Riding to North Sydney was already enough of a challenge for a very unfit me who hadn’t exercised since leaving school 10 years earlier.  That extra distance was a bit too far a bit too soon for me (especially the climb from Milsons Point station to the top of Miller St for the trip home in the evenings), and so the towel was thrown in and the bike had its first extended stint in the garage.  3 months and unknown km’s traveled, but if I recall correctly it was less than 200km. Continue reading

Back on yer bike!

I enjoy cycling, I’m just not very good at it.  I used to think I was good at it, until I discovered what as a kid I thought were “epic distances” were distances most people in the cycling community wouldn’t even consider a warm-up.

The problem is, because I’m not very good at it I usually get in to cycling every year or two, it lasts anywhere from a week to three months, then the bike doesn’t get touched again for another year or two.

Right now I’m in another of those resurgences, and the world as I know it is completely different. Continue reading